The Never Alone Foundation
General Grant Guidelines
- Applicants may be couples or individuals.
- The Never Alone Foundation accepts applications regardless of race, religion, gender ethnicity, marital status or sexual orientation.
- Only families who are adopting internationally are eligible for grant awards.
- Applicants must have completed their home study with their adoption agency before submitting a grant application. Do NOT send in your home study; the letter of good standing from your adoption agency will provide us with all the information we need.
- Applications may NOT be submitted for reimbursement for an already completed adoption, therapeutic work or medical expenses. Along those same lines, money will not be awarded for travel costs.
- Applications will be reviewed by a screening committee, and then those complete applications that meet all described criteria and exhibit the greatest financial need, significant obstacles and hardships will be presented to and reviewed by the Board of Directors and Executive Director for final selection.
- Please do NOT call or email to follow up on your application unless you are expressly invited to do so by the foundation.
- The Board of Directors and Executive Director will make final decisions on a case-by-case basis based on the information provided in all application components and statement of need.
- Grants will be awarded in varying amounts as designated by the individual grant program. Checks in the awarded amount will be written out and mailed directly to recipient’s adoption agency.
- Grants must be utilized within 12 months of the award date. If recipient has not used the money, it must be returned to the foundation and will be redistributed in the next grant cycle.
- If at any time the recipient terminates their adoption plans, therapy plans or medical care plans, the remaining grant money will be forfeited and will be returned to the foundation to be redistributed in the next grant cycle.
- At the discretion of the Board of Directors and Executive Director, applicants may be offered a matching grant. In these cases, applicants will be challenged to raise a percentage of their total requested amount and the foundation will match every dollar raised by the applicants. Matching grant recipients will have 6 months to raise their portion of the grant. At the end of that 6 month time period, the foundation will match the total amount raised up to the full grant award. For example, if the foundation awards a $5,000 matching grant, the foundation will match all funds raised up to $2,500.
- All grant recipients will be required to submit a follow-up report at 6 months and 12 months following a grant award. These reports will include statements from the adoption agency, therapist(s) and/or medical service providers so that the foundation may ascertain how the grant award is being utilized and to ensure that it is being utilized to meet the conditions of the award.
- All questions should be directed to the foundation’s Executive Director, Jen Shaner, through email at or through phone at 719-597-6472.